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This movie is 76% Neil Breen on the phone, 10% Breen throwing things, 14% other characters on the phone.

40 minutes into another Breen butt and 2 more laptops hit the floor.

No bras were harmed or used in the making of this film.

20 seconds of my life I'll never get back--
BREEN: Where are my pills? I can't find my pills!
*spouse brings them*
BREEN: Thank you!
*looks at bottle*
BREEN: I don't need these anymore. I'm not going to take them.

Twenty minutes into , Neil Breen butt shots: 2.
Laptops hitting the floor: 2.

Watching for tomorrow night's @FilmFrown. The most convincing actor so far is this doctor's toupée which isn't saying much.